Chris said he could not start properly until Spring 2024, but if he had spare time between jobs he would start preparation work on the drive.

11January 2024

Concrete beams had been ordered for the 1st floor and raised parking deck. These were due to be delivered on 11 January and needed someone to be there to unload. Rather than have someone waiting doing nothing, he built up the supports for the parking deck to close to the finished level. The delivery, from FP McCain, did not arrive until the next day. The inept driver came in forwards and struggled to back the artic out onto the main road. He drove over flower beds, and footpath, knocked flower baskets off the house and hit the gate posts (both of them).

Parking support walls raised

11 January 2024

Parking supporting walls

Lorry drives on foot path

12 January 2024

Lorry drives on foot path

Beams at front

12 January 2024

Beams at front

Beams at side

12 January 2024

Beams at side